SEIBOLD COMPOSER for Iron and Manganese.

In many applications and industries local authorities and industrial quality procedures demand the frequent analysis of Iron and Manganese concentrations.

Therefore SEIBOLD Wasser has developed a combined analyser for both Iron and Manganese in a single measurement cycle. The concentrations ranges are from ppb range for drinking water until high ppm for industrial waste water.

Iron and Manganese analyser in drinking water.
Iron and Manganese analyser in drinking water.

The colorimetric measurement technology utilising a proprietary reagent set developed by SEIBOLD Wasser. The measurements of iron and manganese are done at the same wavelength but different by pH level and complexation speed. We use the different binding forces at different pH levels and iron we are using the characteristic of slow complex/colour development -> kinetics(1).

    Advantages of the Fe/Mn analyser

  • Very affordable 2 for 1 in investment and consumption.
  • Measurement ranges for Fe 0.005-5.00 mg/L and for Mn 0.005-1.00 mg/L.
  • Very fast and accurate.
  • Spectrophotometric technology, simple and reliable; ideal for unobserved online measurements.
  • Flexible as needed.
  • Non hazardous reagents.(2)>

(1) Kinetics is only available in flow through systems; technology counts.
(2) Companies producing hazardous and toxic waste have to fulfill a special registration process in Vietnam and other countries. See also: Mining Law and Regulations in Vietnam.

More information:
Mining Law and Regulations in Vietnam. ICLG; Great Britain.
Iron and Manganese in drinking water. Texas Water Research Institute; USA.

Iron and Manganese combined analyser. Two in one.

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