In online measurement there is no multipurpose online analyser. Each and every application has their own rules and requirements. Every client has specific ideas about the value of on-line measurement data. To learn and adapt, discuss and deliver the product and services needed to fulfill the task is our major strength.

Drinking Water

Special requirements.
Drinking Water Production.
Drinking Water Control Station.

In almost all cases raw water must be treated to produce high quality drinking water. These treatment steps eliminate heavy metals, organic matter and turbidity and colour. To ensure high quality of drinking water and to control the process, on-line measurements are mandatory.
Application challenges:

  • Analyser up-time is critical.
  • Complex sample matrix.
  • Non toxic reagents, non toxic waste.

Industrial Waste Water

Special requirements for industrial waste water.
Industrial client. Zinc and Ammonia (ISE) analysers.

To monitor emission levels and to control process quality on-line measurements are key to industrial clients.
Application challenges.

  • Changing sample matrix needs special measurement strategies and in some cases adaptation of reagents.(1)
  • Turbidity and colour of sample must be compensated.
  • Cleaning of measurement cell.(2)
  • Very robust and reliable also under unfriendly conditions.
Standard addition for SEIBOLD COMPOSER.
Standard addition for SEIBOLD COMPOSER.

The standard addition method is used to get meaningful measurement results when interferences are not in control by reagents.(3) The standard addition also sizes the measurement quality and can be used for Alarm indication when interferences can’t be handled.

Cyanide measurement in coke production.

Cyanide measurements in coke production and blast furnace steel production.
Coke production site.
Coke production site.

During processing coal Cyanide can be a side product and must be measured to control treatment steps. The concentration is measured continuously by ISE or photometric analysers.
Application challenges:

  • It’s dirty!
  • Must handle long unobserved operation; very robust and reliable.
  • Complex sample matrix.
  • Large measurement range must be handled(4).

SEIBOLD COMPOSER Matthias G. Monn for Cyanide

  • 0.1-50.0ppm WAD CN.(5)
  • ISE or Photometric technology.
  • automated dilution.

River water monitoring.

Measurement of Chromium III and VI.
Riachuello arrives in Río de la Plata
Riachuello arrives in Río de la Plata

Riachuelo in Buenos Aires is one of the most contaminated rivers. Argentina Government started an initiative cleaning this river. The first step was to size the problem and measure the most dangerous inorganic matter. Continuous measurements of Chromium should help to understand and size the problem of pollution.
Measurement Station in Buenos Aires.
Measurement Station in Buenos Aires.

Application Challenges:

  • Measurement of CrIII and CrVI in one measurement step.
  • Low measurement range starting at 1ppb.
  • Handle turbidity and particles without filtration(6)
  • Unknown and changing sample matrix.

SEIBOLD Wasser on local TV (one).
SEIBOLD Wasser on local TV (two).

(1) All reagents are developed by SEIBOLD Wasser to ideally fit to on-line measurement requirements. The main requirements are stability and shelf life, non toxicity and sensitivity.
(2) SEIBOLD COMPOSER’s are flow trough systems and always filled with water and fouling is limited.
(3) In the ideal case all interferences are eliminated by the buffer solution (the buffer solution and the dye are the reagents; where the buffer solution has to set the ideal pH and mask interfering ions and the dye creates the colour complex proportional to the concentration measured).
(4) To handle large measurement ranges all SEIBOLD COMPOSER can measure in automated dilution mode. Whenever a concentration limit is reached, the dilution will be automatically turn on to get meaningful measurement results.
(5) Cyanide can be measured by different standards. In some application it is about the free and week bound Cyanide (WAD CN). WAD CN is responsible for greater environmental damage because its activity towards complex formation. In some applications total CN has to be measured. This procedure need time and a strong acid to destroy the CN complexes, convert CN into HCN and collect it into base as CN.
(6) Filtration lowers the operational reliability dramatically and will also influence the measurement results. All sample treatment steps must be done on a greater level to avoid inhomogeneous sample composition and inconsistent measurement results.