Spectrometer Principle

The first spectrometer prototypes are ready for online measurements. In the upcoming months we will test them heavily to insure great quality and accurate measurements.
The spectrometer has to follow our design criteria in simplicity and robustness. The photometer design will also be filed for patent.

We expect measurement improvements:

  • higher resolution because areas but points are qualified for extinctions.
  • modeling based on spectral characteristics. i.e. Phosphate shoulder with Arsenic complex.
  • additional information about complex building and kinetics.
  • information about turbidity and sample colour.
Spectrometer Prototype
Full range Spectrometer. Working Prototype

SEIBOLD Spectrometer for online Analysers:

  • 400nm-780nm spectral range.
  • 512 points line array detector.
  • very simple and robust.
  • self adjustment and calibration.
  • spectral range and focus can be adopted to specific spectral characteristics.
  • Serial Interface to Controller. RS232/RS485, USB, TTL.
  • Follows SEIBOLD three phase electronic concept.(1)

Come to our new technology and products introduction and see for yourself!

(1) The electronic platform has to follow the requirements and the technology trends. Competitors analysers are either based on PC platforms with low operational stability (even on Unix variants) or PLC platforms with high stability but low technology use. Sensors and actors are the first layer and have to use new technology and a basic communication concept. The controller platform must be very stable and simple like a washing machine. Very simple electronics and processors and low code operating system. The third electronic platform is visualisation and communication. High technology to ensure functionality as all know to use and all kind of communication to central systems and mobile platforms.

Full range spectrometer for higher resolution and higher precision.

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