In 1934 Ludwig Seibold is founding a thriving enterprise: SEIBOLD.
Starting with a small number of workers, the enterprise is expanding rapidly. After World War II SEIBOLD produces an impressive range of highly advanced fully automated etching machines used for manufacturing electrolytic capacitors. SEIBOLD starts to produce pH and conductivity measuring equipment in 1950.
In the field of water purification a transition from electrodialysis instruments to ion exchangers is taking place.
Office in Vienna
In order to meet the demand of this growing market, offices representing SEIBOLD are established abroad, a further step towards expansion.
New instruments for measurement of conductivity are developed. In the manufacturing industry high-resistance glass electrodes are introduced for measuring.
As a reaction to rising demand SEIBOLD's headquarters are transferred to the office building at Wipplinger Strasse 24 in the centre of Vienna, which in turn leads to further production increase.
SEIBOLD massively expanded its presence to central and eastern Europe. In 1965 SEIBOLD products are exported to more than 60 countries.
The first instrument with automated temperature compensation and digital display is developed, followed by the first pH measuring instrument with digital LED a short time later.
In 1980 SEIBOLD is granted the right to use the coat of arms of the Republic of Austria. After intensive research a pH meter with a resolution of 0.01 pH units, digital LCD display and data output is built. Ion exchange resins with colour indicators are introduced in the field of water technology.
As a next step microprocessor controlled instruments are developed for use in laboratories in all areas of water
technology, manufacturing and medicine. This is a technological advantage over competitors resulting in a market
growth of more than 30%. SEIBOLD now has a staff of over 100 persons in Austria and abroad.
The rise of automation in the 1990's requires compatible communication structures between SEIBOLD measuring equipment and industrial plants. For this purpose the relevant product series are equipped with special interfaces and bus systems.
Due to its outstanding know-how in the fields of process technology and electronics SEIBOLD plays a prominent role in this new market. Industrial automation is a new focus of SEIBOLD's research and development activities (ion-sensitive methods)
Rainer Bernert
Many lab processes are further developed for industrial application. As a result of these joint efforts the first online analysis equipment for optimising industrial processes is made available (photometric method). SEIBOLD develops detection equipment for new ranges and areas of measuring, customised to meet the demands of industrial clients.
In August 2003 Bernert took over the management of the company.
The new manager agrees that managing SEIBOLD is a great challenge and an immensely interesting task in view of a success story extending over nearly seven decades, a large number of satisfied customers, an excellent team and robust, reliable products.
In 2010 SEIBOLD sold parts of its business to focus on online analysers only.
The result is a complete new series of online analysers for heavy metals and even more impressive non toxic reagents. The non toxic reagents are also available for other vendors. SEIBOLD focuses on the following applications:
Drinking and Potable Water.
Industrial Waste Water.
River Water Monitoring.
Our clients are leading their industries of drinking water and beverages, electronics, automotive and industrial production.